Surgery causes pain. You also don’t eat or drink for a while and feel weak, nauseous, and just miserable! Who wants to feel like this? Understandably, you are dreading surgery because of the pain, suffering, and recovery you will endure. Drinking Optivive, before your surgery, will alleviate your fears! You will wake up feeling strong with less pain, and able to recover easier. Optivive contains 26 ingredients that prepare your body to prevail over the rigors of your surgery. By participating in Optivive’s PRECOVERY protocol you will go into your surgery confident, without fear of pain, allowing you to focus on your healing and getting back to normal living


You know the feeling, after you have given your all, you are laying on the ground, in pain, gasping for air, and your heart is pounding. You feel miserable and the rest of the day you are tired and “wrung out”. You hate this and dread these activities because of the aftermath. Drinking Optivive, before these activities, will give your body what it needs to perform and endure rigorous activity. You will no longer suffer like you used to and will even look forward to rigorous activity. Knowing Optivive makes your body perform better, without pain and suffering, will give you confidence that you can push even further towards shattering your goals!


Optivive is a functional beverage that loads your body up with over 26 ingredients that will allow your body to perform during the rigors of surgery or high-level physical activity. Drinking it before such activities will provide instant energy sources, enhance cardiovascular activity, and increase muscle function and repair. It also contains anti-inflammatory, immune boosters, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. Of great benefit, to surgical patients, are the antibacterial, wound healing, anti-nausea, and pain relievers it contains.

By loading up with these ingredients, before your surgery or rigorous activity, your body will have more than it needs to perform. When it is over, you will have a reserve of fuel and recovery agents on board eliminating fatigue as well as the pain and suffering of recovery. You will confidently go into your activity without the fear of the dreadful aftermath!


Energy drink

Optivive is not in the energy drink class that touts increased energy and mental performance. These effects are the result of high levels of caffeine, sugars, and other ingredients like taurine, guanine, and ginseng. Optivive achieves performance using non-stimulant ingredients that are safer for your body.

Pre-workout Stimulant Drink

Optivive is a PROCOVERY beverage, not a PRE-WORKOUT drink. While some ingredients, in Optivive, are commonly found in many pre-workout drinks, the difference is the stimulants such as caffeine. The amounts, contained in these beverages, are at least 200-400mg of (a single cup of coffee contains 80-100mg)! This huge amount gets people “amped up”, for their workouts, and they FEEL less fatigued post-workout, even though their bodies really are! Learn more about Precovery!

Protein drink

People looking to build muscle mass and lose weight will often consume protein drinks to accomplish these goals. Optivive contains branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to help your body perform by increasing muscle performance and endurance while reducing muscle fatigue and damage. BCAAs do increase muscle mass (one study demonstrated a 22% increase compared to a placebo) making Optivive an effective post-exertion beverage. Optivive does not contain the amounts of protein for weight loss or the type of muscle mass build-up that bodybuilders require.


Optivive was designed for patients undergoing surgery. Your body goes through incredible stress, during surgery, and has to perform better than the body of an elite athlete. This is PASSIVE PERFORMANCE as patients are asleep and motionless. However, the physical assault on the body combined with all the stress from anesthesia, blood loss, drugs, and emotion take a huge toll! Energy is depleted, muscles and tissues are torn, the heart and lungs are stressed, and metabolism along with stress hormones are raging. This results in fatigue, pain, nausea, and…..To make it worse, patients cannot eat or drink, after midnight before surgery. They arrive for surgery depleted of fuel, essential nutrients, and water. Their bodies cannot meet the performance demands, of surgery, making their recovery even worse when they awake from anesthesia.

To improve outcomes, from surgery the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol was developed. This allows patients to drink 20 ounces of clear liquids 2 hours before surgery. ERAS improves post-operative recovery by reducing pain, nausea, complications, and hospital stay. So, if 20 ounces of clear liquids makes a significant difference, how can this be improved upon? By creating a clear liquid, containing fuel and essential nutrients, that can be taken 2 hours before surgery, to make the body perform even better during surgery, Optivive is the beverage to lead you to Precovery.

Optivive contains the rapidly absorbed sugar, Maltodextrin, along with 8 energy-generating ingredients, providing the body with an immediate fuel source to burn during surgery. This leaves the reserve stores, which usually are burned during surgery, available for post-operative needs.

Optivive contains over 15 ingredients that prevent infection, promote wound healing, boost immunity as well as reduce pain and nausea which are huge benefits after surgery. Drinking Optivive a few days before and at least 10 days after surgery improves the surgical experience and enhances outcomes.

Cardiovascular system enhancement and energy production also helps the surgical patient’s body before, during, and after surgery.


Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. is a double-boarded plastic surgeon, who, during his burn unit experiences, realized how important nutrition is to all surgical patients. Good nutrition promotes wound healing, boosts immunity, and reduces infection, and discomfort while making recovery easier. Throughout the 25 years of his practice, he has advised and prescribed, to his patients, nutrition regimens to use before and after surgery. Over the years, he continued to evolve and improve upon these regimens as new products became available. When the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) was introduced, it allowed patients to consume a clear beverage, such as Gatorade or Powerade, 2 hours before surgery. Dr. Beckenstein adopted this practice for his patients but also had the vision to improve upon it. He envisioned a beverage full of ingredients providing fuel and essential nutrients to allow patients to go through surgery as they were fully nourished. The challenge was how can a clear beverage containing such ingredients be created that tastes good and is affordable.

Dr. Beckenstein is also an exercise enthusiast and works out at Torque Performance Training which creates intense, daily workouts. He immediately works out after his rigorous 10-plus hour, non-stop days that he describes as “ controlled mayhem”. The doctor developed a beverage, for himself, allowing him to sustain his performance during these intense days. He combined ingredients from Spark (Advocare), Vital Reds (Gundry), Superbeets (Humaan), Tart cherry juice, and many others to maintain his energy and peak performance levels. After adopting the ERAS protocol he realized he could use his personal beverage and improve upon it further to meet the unique performance demands of surgical patients. By adding branched chain amino acids, rapidly absorbed sugar, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, immune boosters, wound healing ingredients, and others, the "Swiss Army Knife” of surgical precovery beverages was born!

Optivive was developed over 4 years with the expertise of Dennis Morales and Drinklabs. Ingredients were added, samples sent from Los Angeles to Birmingham, taste-tested, tweaked, recreated, and resent numerous times, until the right ingredient recipe and flavor profile were achieved. It is challenging to create a nice flavor when beets, turmeric, black pepper, and amino acids are ingredients But they did it!

After thinking about how this elixir benefits surgical patients, Dr. Beckenstein realized that it definitely would be useful for athletes and those leading vigorous lifestyles. Optivive has a second formula designed just for these people. It varies in the type and amount of sugar (lower carbohydrate load) used as the fuel source. The other key difference is that it contains electrolytes which really get depleted with this type of exertion. PRECOVERY with this ingredient profile is just what the athlete needs! This formula is also a great everyday beverage for those with busy, hectic schedules as, along with the other benefits, alleviates physical and mental stress. Look for additional formulations coming to the Optivive brand for seniors, diabetics, and other groups with unique needs!

Dr. Beckenstein “puts his money where his mouth is". In 2020 he had undergone cancer surgery and used the Optivive formula for his ERAS beverage. On the way home from the hospital, he stopped, by the gym, and (foolishly) got on the Assault Bike and rode it! He was not fatigued, in pain, or feeling miserable from anesthesia! He also returned to work in 4 days!



To recover something is to find or restore something that was lost, damaged, or disrupted. As a result of the stress your body endures from surgery or intense physical activity, fuel, and nutrients are expended water is used up, and free radicals and waste products build up. This causes fatigue and discomfort throughout your body which temporarily disrupts normal function. To return to normal, your body must go through a recovery phase which includes rest, refueling, rehydration, regeneration, and reducing inflammation. The amount of fuel, water, and nutrients, present, in your body, is a major factor in how long your body can endure stress and how long the recovery period will be. The more of these factors present, in your body, before activity, the longer it will take to reach fatigue, and the shorter the recovery phase. If you load up with enough, of these essential elements, before exertion, your body will perform better and may not even reach the exhaustion phase for that activity, eliminating recovery! This is what PRECOVERY is all about.

An Example:

If you require 2000 calories a day for routine activity and through exercise or surgery you will burn another 700 calories, you will require 2700 calories, for that day. After completing this activity, you should have depleted all the fuel and need to refuel to be ready for the next day which will require a recovery phase. If the exertion, is more rigorous and burns up 900 calories, your body will have a 200 calorie deficit. This requires mobilization of reserve fuels and, as a result, you will be more fatigued with a longer recovery period. If you loaded up with 3200 calories, you would have a reserve of 300 calories and would not need to recover them. The excess calories will be used for normal activity immediately post-exertion, meaning your body will perform better for longer, without the effects of fatigue. This is the PRECOVERY philosophy.

Optivive loads your body up with enough fuel and nutrients to create a surplus which eliminates recovery. This is why our beverage has a high carbohydrate load. Rapidly absorbed sugars ensure they are immediately available, for your body to use, while others, that will be available later, serve as post-exertion fuel. Optivive contains several nutrients to make the use of fuel more efficient and to distribute it rapidly to the muscles, cardiovascular system, and brain. All of this enhances your body’s performance. several anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants, are present in Optivive, that minimizes the damage that free radicals and waste products cause as a result of exertion. This keeps your body as close to normal, as possible, after rigorous activity or surgery, diminishing recovery.

To learn more about Optivive please explore the What’s in it page to view the ingredients and discover their benefits.There is no other beverage like it to get your body through the stress of surgery or intense physical activity.



Optimized ingredients. For an optimized you.

Optivive contains over 26 ingredients formulated for PRECOVERY to enhance your body’s performance during surgery or rigorous physical activity. If you were to mix these ingredients, into your shaker or blender, it would require some time and effort using many products.

Since they are contained in one can and provide so many Precovery benefits we say it contains ALL IN ONE PLUS! These benefits include:


Optivive is formulated with a good carbohydrate load supplying 354 calories from them. When people read the ingredients they say “That’s too many carbs!”Carbohydrates are essential fuel for your body to perform. Just like marathon runners “carb load” before they run, you need to load up on them, before you perform whether it is during surgery, your game, your workout, or your busy day. You need more than what you normally take in and YOUR BODY IS GOING TO USE THESE, AS FUEL, DURING PERFORMANCE. Those who count their macros will adjust their daily carbohydrate requirements, factoring in what Optivive contains, so there will not be excess that is stored into fat. Not only will these sugars be used during your event, but they will also be available immediately afterward so you can function optimally and not feel the pain and fatigue of recovery!

Your body can only process 60 grams of glucose per hour, which is not enough for your body to perform. This is why Optivive contains a second sugar, Maltodextrin, that is rapidly digested and readily available as fuel. Drinking Optivive within an hour, before your activity, (2 hours before surgery) will have your body fueled up and ready to go!


Michael S. Beckenstein, M.D. grew up on Long Island, N.Y, and graduated Lawrence High School, in 1978. He attended Union College, in Schenectady, N.Y.graduating in 1982, with a BS in Biology. He took a year off and worked at Schenectady’s famous Kelly’s Tavern where he honed his mixology skills that would serve well in developing Optivive!

In 1987, he received his Medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School, in Norfolk, VA and then completed his 5 year General Surgery residency at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, in Livingston, N.J. Plastic surgery was his calling and, in 1994, he completed a plastic surgery residency at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, OH. While, in Cleveland, he earned his board certification in general surgery. To master the fields of breast surgery and aesthetic surgery, Dr. Beckenstein completed fellowships in breast reconstruction, aesthetic breast, and facial surgery with Carl Hartrampf, Jr, M.D., in Atlanta, GA, Scott Spear, M.D. at Georgetown University, and with James Grotting, M.D. in Birmingham. He received his board certification, in plastic surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, and the prestigious American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He remained, in Birmingham where he started, maintains, and enjoys a nice plastic surgery practice where he is fortunate to treat elite College athletes as well as NFL and MLB players As a result of an innovative opportunity he started and also maintains a second practice; T3 Hair Preservation LLC to treat hair loss..

Dr. Beckenstein engages in philanthropy serving on the board of directors of Modern Day Fitness developed by former NFL player Ottis Leverette and NFL player Carson Tinker’s Be a Blessing Foundation. He mentors inner-city youth and helps them get to “the next level” in sports and/or education. He speaks to high school and college football and basketball teams and it is not uncommon to spot a 225-pound linebacker working in his front office, during spring break, to keep him from the negative pull of his peers! He is also an advocate for his treasured breast cancer patients, lobbying Congressmen/women on their behalf.
Dr Beckenstein is surviving cancer after being diagnosed and having surgery in 2020. He realizes the importance of keeping in shape with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Optivive, with its ingredients, is part of this healthy lifestyle.

He and his wife reside, In Birmingham, together raising two children who now work in the NFL and college football. He is an avid exercise enthusiast and is attending online classes at both Harvard University and the Wharton School of Business. In his free time, he enjoys reading, cooking, and being a foodie. He just earned certificates in Nutrition and Sports Performance Nutrition from The National Academy of Sports Medicine. He will soon receive a specialization certificate in Sports Performance Enhancement.




OPTIVIVE has tremendous benefits for all surgical patients especially those participating in the ERAS protocol. Patients can drink it a week before, and after their surgery, whether they are ERAS participants or not. They would greatly appreciate you recommending it to them and should sing your praises! You can also benefit from your recommendation by generating passive income from your referrals! I am offering a surgeon’s distributor partnership where you will make a profit for each can a patient purchases. If you are interested in becoming a purveyor of Optivive and augmenting your income enter here


General Practitioners

OPTIVIVE is a great product, for your patients, to improve their daily lives. They will greatly appreciate you recommending it to them! Not only will this translate into goodwill from your patients, but you can also generate passive income from your recommendation! I am offering a practitioner distribution partnership where you will generate revenue for each can a patient orders. If you are interested in becoming a partner with Optivive enter here.



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